Laydee in Pink
Me, Myself and I

19. Located in Sydney . Student . Australian / Chinese


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    Sunday, November 16, 2008
    I am such a sucker for new technology. I love my little white iPhone - though I must admit, it's such a bad device to have when you're suppose to be studying!

    ... Maybe I just procrastinate too much

    Dee [ 5:47 PM ]

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    Sunday, May 21, 2006
    Okay so you think that our world is crazy enough... wait until you see what I saw on 6abc Action News...
    Guys try to relax a bit when you read this and no.. not all women are like this!
    I'm just glad this guy is okay now.
    ... Click Here

    Dee [ 2:32 PM ]

    Blogger 2nified said...

    that's ... sick.

    4:31 PM  

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    Saturday, May 20, 2006
    Okay so I've been browsing around the net, and what do I see... a bunch of kids writing like this "Hey diS ma Syte. Im Trent N hoPe yaz All lyke dis. Oh n I'm 17 & a single leo... :) So leT me KnoW hOw yaz AlL lyke mi Syte & if U waNa get 2 Know Me! I'm halF fIlo N half aussie, N i like surfing N stufF 2 do wiT cars. I have olive skin Dark Hair N darK eyEz"

    I really want to know if its like the new trend in the world of unknown or its suppose to look cool and allow people to think that you are 'kOoL'. It annoys me so badly that i want to hit them over the head and teach them how to write properly.
    I've spoken to some that writes lyKe DiS and it takes me forever to understand what they are on about, mostly when they write paragraphs after paragraphs... non stop... i find it hard just to write a few words in that style and my poor fingers are already tired annoyed -.-

    Please people, stop it... its way too hard to understand!

    Dee [ 4:27 PM ]

    Blogger 2nified said...

    Actually what's really sad is that not only kids are writing like this. Some of those I went to school with do. No not Hornsby [that'd be worrying] but primary school. I dont understand as later in lyf [teehee] they'll definately suffer the consequenses...

    I feel sorry for them really.

    1:24 PM  

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    Monday, May 15, 2006

    Congratulations Class of Comm. 402! we have finished it!! And hopefully with flying colours too!

    The day was fantastic, the food was great and the alcohol made everything better... :P tee hee!
    Well now thats 1 down and 5 more to go, I'm so excited, but scared at the same time. Every thing is coming to an end, however lets make the most of the week and enjoy it as we can =)

    I did manage to get 94 photos and it will be uploaded on to the web (hopefully our reliant 2ni aka Tina will do that myspace thing in no time) and if of worst it does not get set up, you all who you guys can go complain PUHAhHAHAHA...

    P.S Happy Birthday to Calvin! =D

    Dee [ 9:49 PM ]

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    Saturday, May 13, 2006

    adopt your own virtual pet!

    Everyone meet Spikey! Spikey meet everyone =D
    This is my little online pet... isn't it cute?

    Dee [ 11:58 PM ]

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    Wednesday, May 03, 2006
    Woo.. it has been a while since I've been blogging - I guess everything is all pilling up in these last few weeks that I don't seem to find time to share some of my thoughts (not that anyone wants to hear them or anything) -.-

    Well well well... i just finished creating the layout for one of our group websites! And do I feel proud of myself, for once... i didn't get so carried away. I guess the nerdy me has finally kicked in... after 3 semesters and 11 weeks :D ain't that great!? tee hee
    I do feel much better seeing some things done, I nearly started throwing objects across my room due to all the stress today.

    Yes... Me + Stress = Danger (but then again... no ones really scared... and say that i give good a massage! Sigh I feel like a failure) darn it. I really should take up some Tae Kwon Do/ Kick Boxing Class... :P HAHA... yes oh how far I'll get.
    So what you think kids... Me + either of the mentioned?

    Dee [ 10:35 PM ]

    Blogger Dee said...

    OH YES I AM HENRI!!!! end of conversation.

    8:13 PM  

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    Wednesday, April 26, 2006
    So the big propaganda essay is done! I can not be more relieved!
    Although i must add, i did learn quiet a bit on "Uncle Sam" through this essay... but then again who hasn't, mostly after hours and hours of head down ass up studying!

    I just turned on the television and the 2006 BIG BROTHER is on again... oh the fun and laughter watching these people - just makes my day so much better. cough
    I must admit, it can be quite amusing. hmmm. yes. another year of sex, foul language, jealousy, and my favourite stupidity.

    i do send my apology to all BB fans - maybe this year will be different eh?

    Dee [ 11:43 PM ]

    Blogger Dee said...

    yeah it is like a circus in there!

    10:50 PM  

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    Monday, April 10, 2006
    Having to speak to several past students and academic staffs wwithin the last 24 hours, I have realised that things wern't all as easy as 1,2,3.
    The stress is all hitting me at once, now that theres only a few short weeks left, I think its time for us all to get our heads straight about things and get a move on it (maybe thats just me).
    As much as I should be celebrating the end-of-semester feeling, I'm not. I'm very calm, which is rather scary as that tend to lead to alot of crazy actions near the end of the semester.

    I'd love to do things before hand rather than leaving everything to the last minute but I'm just not that type of person!
    Ever since I was a little kid, I'd be the one that everyone ran away from when it was their turn to feed me food. My mother could never handle me, I would have my bowl of food in front of me and i would not touch it nor eat but rather play with my food until it got cold, then my mother would have to reheat it for me over and over again. I must admit - I was a pain in the ass. It got to the stage where my grand mother would carry me up and down the street, entertain me in a form or another for me to take a bite of my food.
    Although now I eat my food. The habit of me not doing my work before hand, is still a issue that i need to adjust.
    I was like that in primary school, but i remember those days things were possible to accomplish even if I left it to the end. Then once I stepped into the gate of my High School, I told myself that things must be changed and that I needed to get things done preferbly 1 week before the due date, which will enable me to put the final touches within the week of the due date, but I guess I was deluding myself, as that didn't happen.
    Now that I'm in my final stage of this diploma course and I still can't manage to prioritize my studies. I get distracted way too much. I think i need to place myself in a room where I have access to nothing, well near nothing anyway.
    I remember back in year 11 when i had to read Utopia by Thomas Moore, I went inside my father's study - closed all doors and switched off my phone, and surprisinly I managed to finish it within just few hours. And whats funny is that, i was so driven into the book that I felt like I was one of the characters! And to this day, it still surprises me as I was never really a book person unless it was a great book or one that interested me.

    Oh this blogging is addictive, I think i should stop blabbing now and get back to my studies of Uncle Sam (which i was doing only 10 min ago!) See I told you I got distracted fast.

    Dee [ 11:28 PM ]

    Blogger Dee said...

    Oh thanks :D that made my day.. ahaha and all my friends who does exactly the same

    11:40 PM  

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    Saturday, April 08, 2006
    After reading John's blog on "It's a Never ending story".
    It lead me into a discussion with 2 friends of mine, one female, and the other male in relation to messages that females can send off to other people by the choices of the outfit they choose to wear.
    Apparently, when a female wears revealing pieces of clothing, she's "asking for it" (this came from a male's perspective). So what do they consider as "revealing" clothing? According to my male friend, its the exposure of any combination of legs, cleavage, stomach, back.
    After hearing this, my girlfriend was rather offended, as only a week ago she went out clubbing in shorts and a reasonable low cut top. So that's legs and cleavage, but that doesn't mean she's asking for it.

    While our male buddy isn't quite convinced, I then started to explain to him that many women dress in certain ways to feel good, confident and dare I say feel sexy. When we dress up, we don't dress up deliberately just so we can attract attention. Do some men honestly think that all women dress in certain ways just so that some guys can talk to our breasts? Of course not!

    I've spoken to all these different guy friends in regards to what they see in girls... they all came up with different responses - legs, body, hips, face, ass, breast and so forth. There are those who think that its tarty if a female shows off too much skin, yet, its also those who want to see women in less clothing. I don't get it.

    The debate of sexy VS slutty has became such a strong topic of conversations, whether you're talking about it while adjusting yourself in the women's bathroom or you've just spoted a camel toe, laughted at it ridiculously for several minutes with your mates yet still wanting to root its owner - the commencement of placing the fault of particular unwanted attention on women who dress seductively, is seriously misplaced.
    Of course there are many cases of women showing too much skin, but in certain situations and locations, provocative dressing is not a walking invitation.
    Going down the road for some milk in a backless top may be a bit over the board but a similar outfit at a club should not be analysed so deeply - mostly because it can get pretty hot in there!

    While my male friend may seem to believe that the 'asking for it' style of dressing takes a miniature amount of time to achieve, I'm sure almost every women can agree with me that he just doesn't know what his talking about.
    It's not like this lack of consideration and time put aside for dressing should be an issue but regardless if my male friend thinks that specific modes of dressing will provoke the "I look like a tart so treat me like one" attitude, he, along with other men, will try to pick her up anyway!

    Now to another point, though there are many women who love their bodies and want to feel good by wearing a mini skirt, sometimes feeling confident doesn't need to result in revealing clothing. A girl on the bus wearing a knee length skirt and a long shirt, many not seem to be sexy, but underneath that skirt may be a pair of gorgeous French knickers or an Elle Mcpherson bra underneath that shirt.
    The fact that she's wearing something so appealing, yet unaware by many observers gives her that boost of confidence and that extra swing in her walk.

    So feeling good about oneself, shouldn't be seen as a crime. Unnecessary exposure of skin may generate a bit of a heated discussion, but in moderation, and at the appropriate place, 'mischievous' dressing can be sexy.
    A girl walking out her door in fish net stockings does not mean she's asking for it. A girl in a low cut top down at the bar may have a cleavage you want to bury your hands in, but it doesn't mean she wants it in there.
    So not everything is depicted through the type of clothing a person wears - and I'm sure many will agree with me.
    Please understand I'm not here to judge anything but just reflecting some thoughts that alot of people tend to misunderstand.

    Dee [ 6:43 PM ]

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    Friday, April 07, 2006
    Okay... i just came across this "link" which was shown in a forum that i was in and it showed one of the most bizarre cases i've ever seen!
    I was so lost for words.
    An abnormal child was born in Dolakha, survived for 30 mins and then past away. What really surprises me is the images that came with it.
    The first picture actually makes him look rather big, but if you look at the second picture, he looks tiny as he is seen in a small bowl.
    To now I still don't know if the baby is actually real or fake. The baby looks like some Lord of the Ring / ET character!
    I think the defect is actually anencephaly, which is basically where the brain doesn't develop in the embryo/fetus. Its actually quite common but is usually detected early during pregnancy with an ultrasound - i guess the doctor didn't do a good job in this case.

    If anyone has caught up on this case or knows anything in regards to it - please let me know.

    Dee [ 2:02 PM ]

    Blogger 2nified said...

    gee thanks wendy, i dont feel so good anymore...

    8:42 AM  

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    I am absolutely addicted to Cascada!
    The music is driving me insane... i think i might need to head down to Subbies and dance it off... haha
    If your into dance and happy music, its a must to download (whoops... i mean buy).
    Cascada - Everytime we touch, Piece of Heavan.
    This music will make you hyper active and turn any sad days into those extreme natural high/ happiness. I'm sure Jd will agree with me ;)

    Dee [ 9:36 AM ]

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    Thursday, March 30, 2006
    Sometimes i don't understand the troubles people go through to buy a brand spanking new car, when they know they are uncapable of driving it.

    Don't get me wrong - some people are naturally skilled or they learn fast when it comes to cars and sometimes even better than a full licence driver - i.e. older generation female asian drivers... like my mother. sigh

    However there are also those who takes things a bit longer to get use to.
    Well i guess not that they cannot drive it but rather, not skillful enough to be handed a new car only after a few weeks of having their P1 licence - and most of all, still in the progress of learning how to manage a car correctly.

    A close friend of mine is like that and now is in need to find couple of hundreds of dollars to make up for the bumps and scratches she made to the near bumper. And having a brand new car with less than 100 kms its not as cheap as it may seem to fix a few scratches.

    We've always told her to take some time driving in an older car before she thinks about buying a new car just to get use to the whole driving experience.
    I guess we weren't influential enough... i'm just glad shes okay... lets hope that there won't be a next time =D

    Dee [ 6:25 PM ]

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    Tuesday, March 28, 2006
    After being interested in blog reading and layout design, I scooped around the internet and came across this fantastic blog made by Karen Cheng. She is a unbelievable writer and blogger. Her blogs are so interesting that I actually ended up reading most of her archives. Shes my inspiration for writing blogs.
    If anyone is interested you should visit it. Her kids are gorgeous too!

    Dee [ 9:35 PM ]

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    Thursday, March 23, 2006

    I remembered speaking to a good friend of mine the other night randomly about jeans, and a thought came to mind "... what would the world be without denim?".

    The last time she counted, she owned more than 30 pairs - be it straight leg, faded, skinny legs, bootcut, stretch demin, frayed demin, wide leg, 3/4's and the list goes on...

    I guess every girl is looking for their 'it' pair of jeans. The pair of jeans that will make her ass look like a lingerie model, give her legs that would give Gisele a run for her money and a stomach that will make Britany Spears insanely jealous (well... before her dramastic change).

    No matter if you've found that perfect pair of jeans or not there will always be that pair that acts like a security blanket for those bad lazy days to those bloated stomach days during the month.

    Demin is considered part of the high ends of fashion culture in todays society, be it during the day or after 5pm, you can not go wrong.
    If demin were ever to be banned, about 90% of women would be out of clothes to wear.
    My Lee's, Bettina Liano's and Sass and Bides are slowly taking over my skirts, shorts and many other forms of pants.
    I guess jeans are now everyone's best friends.

    Girls... shopping time ;)

    Dee [ 11:42 PM ]

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    Sunday, March 19, 2006
    Rule One: Think before you do something.

    This weekend has been a roller-coaster ride for me. I lose my license and a whole lot of other dilemmas just kept of appearing constantly.
    I've had two days of bad luck, I just hope that things are back on track now.

    My thanks towards Ly for the person she is and I dearly love you as a friend. You've made everything so much better. Once again Thank You!

    Edit: Yay* I finally got a new licence. The lady that took my photo started to giggle... i don't know if thats suppose to be a good thing or a bad thing -.-

    Dee [ 8:01 PM ]

    Blogger Peter Podcast said...

    Sorry you lost your licence.
    Blog Deeper.

    4:21 PM  

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    Monday, March 13, 2006
    I never really actually realised how hard it is to do a research on 'pornography'. Given several topics to choose from, I'd think this would be the easiest of them all. Oh was I wrong, i deluded myself and now I'm screwed. I'm sorry 2ni

    Looking through tones and tones of websites, instead of leading me to acedemic pages it took me to a whole new world of graphical images - now i understand how a guy can just sit in front of the computer and not get bored. Due to obvious reasons of course.

    Sigh, i guess that wasn't my cup of tea, i quickly closed my window and gave up miserbly. Now I'm once again in the same position, lets hope this time ... things will work out.

    Dee [ 9:35 PM ]

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    Saturday, March 11, 2006
    The weather has been really weird lately. Hot. Cold. Raining... it is just unpredictable.
    I'd think that after having so much caffine in my body yesterday that it would last me until the early mornings but i was wrong. The clock ticked 12am and I dropped dead on to bed feeling utterly guilty after telling myself that I would get some work done, which i did not get my hands on.

    Nevertheless i did manage to drag myself out of bed rather early today, telling myself that things must be done!

    Well it's 1 now, and i still haven't started on anything, maybe I should. After all it can't be that hard.

    Dee [ 1:01 PM ]

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    Friday, March 10, 2006
    Empty thoughts of nothingness // I am officially brain dead.

    Dee [ 3:40 PM ]

    Blogger Joey Polanski said...

    (*pretends t leave imaginary flowrs*)

    4:01 PM  

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